Anyone who has had the task of transforming an unfinished flat into a well-designed and furnished interior knows how complicated this matter is. A layman might think that interior design is a pure pleasure to do a lot of shopping in furniture stores and choose accessories that are pleasing to the eye, or to think about the color of walls and floors.
This is only part of the truth. Apart from the fact that when arranging the interior, we can get carried away by our imagination and fulfill our dreams of a perfect apartment, there are also many other, less colorful – and literally – things that we need to take care of. These are things such as the appropriate layout of the rooms, electricity, water and making our apartment comfortable and normal to live. Interior design specialists can be very helpful in these matters.
What does an interior designer do?
Interior design is a field that concerns many different elements of space arrangement. Interior architects deal with the management of space so as to make the best use of its possibilities and create a space where you will be happy and happy to stay. Interior architects are primarily concerned with planning how to arrange the elements of the space to obtain the best effect, depending on the purpose of the space. In the case of apartments, the most important are the functionality and aesthetic interior.
Interior design therefore concerns many elements of an apartment, from walls, doors, windows and their arrangement, to the arrangement of furniture. In offices dealing with interior design, we can also meet specialists in design and interior decoration, thanks to which we will obtain comprehensive advice and assistance in designing the space from a to z.
The question, however, is whether it is profitable to use such services, since we can do many of these things ourselves? In the article below, we will consider the pros and cons of hiring an interior designer to decorate our apartment.
What will an interior designer help us with?
What can we expect from an interior designer? First of all, professional advice, which will be backed by years of learning the profession and gaining experience. Another thing is research on the market and current trends. Not only in fashion, but also in interior design, novelties appear every now and then and if we are not involved in interior design on a daily basis, it will certainly be difficult for us to keep up to date in this area.
So if we want an interior that is modern and open to innovative solutions, the help of an interior designer may turn out to be a good idea for us. Also when it comes to the idea itself, because sometimes we just miss it. We would like something special, we have a color and some elements in our head, but we don’t really know how to put it all together.
An interior architect will help us combine all these elements together and create a space that will be consistent and pleasant.
The downsides of hiring an interior designer
There are also downsides to using an interior designer. First of all, these are costs that not everyone can afford. So if we do not have large funds, it can be difficult to find an interior designer. Another downside is that we outsource the interior design of our apartment to someone else.
This does not suit everyone. An interior architect will not enter our head and will not transfer the vision from our imagination to the outside. So if we are not open to it, it may be difficult for us to communicate with an interior designer.
Consider if you need an interior designer
In order to analyze whether we necessarily need the help of an interior designer, or whether we can do without it, we must first of all be aware of our own abilities and skills, and of course the time we have. If we do not have either the first or the second, it is worth considering hiring a specialist who will do it for us. Some people just don’t have a feeling about furnishing their homes, nor do they take any more pleasure in the process.
Some also, although they could do it themselves, prefer not to risk it failing and hire a specialist who will certainly do it well because he has experience. Well, unfortunately not always the fact that someone is called an interior designer means that he is infallible and very good at what he does. It is worth bearing this in mind when looking for a suitable interior designer, and have a certain margin of confidence in the specialist we employ.
However, one should not become paranoid about this. We recognize a good and bad interior designer by his portfolio. Therefore, if you want and can afford to hire an interior designer, why not? After all, services are there for people to use them.